

Personal Details
Day of Birth   07.07.1977
Nationality   German
Family Status   single
Record of Education
09/1984 - 07/1994   Thomas-Müntzer-Schule, Schkeuditz
09/1994 - 06/1997   vocational High School for economics and administration, Schkeuditz
achievement courses operating management economics / political economy, account system, German
08/1997 - 06/1999   training and conclusion to the banker with the Dresdner Bank in Leipzig
Professional Experiences
07/1999 - 02/2001   financial adviser in the Dresdner Bank AG in Leipzig
03/2001 - 09/2001   user representative for a project for the optimization of the customer data sets of the Dresdner Bank AG at the subsidiary DDS (Dresdner Direct Service)
10/2001 -   change as the division private and business customer of the Dresdner Bank AG, department of information technology as an application developer